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Travel information

If you need more than one room, please indicate this in your enquiry.

Personal data, Enquiry

By clicking on the registration button, I agree to receive newsletters from Salzkammergut Tourismus-Marketing GmbH at my e-mail address and accept that my personal data (e-mail address, optional: title, first and last name) will be stored and processed automatically until revoked. The data you provide will be processed exclusively for the purpose of sending the newsletter and will not be passed on to third parties. You can unsubscribe from this newsletter at any time and free of charge.

I have read the privacy policy.

privacy notice

The data you provide (e-mail address; optional: name, first name, surname, address, telephone, enquiry) will only be used by the respective company to process your enquiry and will only be passed on if the enquiry is to be answered by third parties (e.g. tourist service providers). See also privacy policy.