© Winter im Salzkammergut
2 Erwachsene und 2 Kinder springen im Schnee in die Höhe

Accessibility statement

Salzkammergut Tourismus-Marketing GmbH is committed to making its websites and mobile applications fully accessible in accordance with Upper Austria’s provincial law prohibiting the discrimination of persons based on ethnic origin, religion, beliefs, disability, age, gender and sexual orientation (Upper Austria anti-discrimination law, Oö. ADG)(§ 15b) as well as the regulation on the requirements for barrier-free access to websites and mobile applications in the context of the Upper Austria anti-discrimination law (Oö. WEBVO 2020) implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

This accessibility statement applies to the following websites and mobile applications: www.salzkammergut.at, www.salzkammergut.at/bergeseen-e-trailwww.salzkammergut.at/trail and www.presseservice.salzkammergut.at.


1. Information regarding use and accessibility


a) Responsive web design

Our website is optimized for a wide range of output devices (mobile phone, tablet, desktop computer) in line with the responsive web design approach. The content elements (e.g. images, page layout, size) are automatically optimized to provide the best possible legibility and are adapted to the respective display size.


b) Using the website with the keyboard

The main menu can be operated by means of the keyboard (up, down, right and left arrows). The image gallery (lightbox) can be closed using the Esc key. The tabs and accordions for accommodation, food and drink, tours, sights, etc. can be opened and closed using the Tab and Enter keys.


c) Accommodation search

Please note that it takes longer for results to load when searching for available accommodation within a specific time frame. A wide range of accommodation providers are queried in this case. The accommodation options can be filtered according to various criteria. There is no ‘Submit’ button here. The accommodation data are automatically reloaded in this case.


2. Status of compatibility with the requirements

These websites and mobile applications are partially compatible with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 – AA and the accessibility requirements according to DIN EN 301 549 V2.1.2, version 2018-08.


3. Non-accessible / partially accessible content

The content listed below is not accessible or is partially accessible for the following reasons:


a. Incompatibility / disproportionate burden

  • PDF and Word documents (particularly older documents) used on the websites are not accessible. Please contact us if you require content from one of our PDF or Word documents. We will make every effort to provide you with the information in a different form.
  • The videos used on our websites are not currently accessible. The process of adapting them represents a disproportionate burden as set out in the accessibility regulations. We are working to make the videos accessible as soon as possible.
  • All images should be accessible for screen reader users via alternative text. If there are individual cases where an image is not described with alternative text and the content is therefore only partially accessible, please let us know.
  • We are committed to making only minimal use of abbreviations or foreign words in the writing of our texts. We also avoid complicated sentence structures. If a text is not comprehensible to you and you therefore believe it to be only partially accessible, please contact us. We will work to provide you with a readily comprehensible version.
  • Lists including accommodation lists, event lists, food and beverage lists, POI lists, lists of offers, lists of communities and regions and lists of reports are based on structured data from TOURDATA and are only partially accessible at present. When a website user applies a filter function to place a restriction on a list, the content of the results is subsequently loaded automatically (via the AJAX function). This presents an issue for people with visual impairments who use the screen reader because screen readers do not pick up on changes to content that has already been read. We are planning to improve our lists in 2021.


b. The content does not fall within the scope of the applicable legal provisions

  • Recorded time-based media, such as video and audio media published prior to 23 September 2020.
  • Interactive maps are not currently equipped for accessible use. Due to the current technical possibilities, making these maps accessible would require a disproportionately high effort.
  • Third-party content: Our websites are based in part on the content of a decentralised tourism database. Our content partners are required to make texts and media available in accessible form. However, we are unable to make any statements regarding the extent to which this third-party content is compatible with accessibility regulations.


c. Other notes

  • Spam protection / reCAPTCHA: We require what is known as a “CAPTCHA” function for our contact forms in order to protect against spam and mass e-mails. This function is not accessible. If you are unable to use a form due to the function, please send us an e-mail at info@salzkammergut.at or ring our Upper Austria holiday information line at +43 6132 26909.
  • Media service: We make images available to media representatives for download at https://presseservice.salzkammergut.at/. Please contact us if you have any problems downloading images. We would be happy to send you the images via another channel in this case.


4. Queries and suggestions

Salzkammergut Tourismus-Marketing GmbH places great importance on continually adapting and improving its websites and mobile applications. If you have any questions regarding the use of the website or suggestions regarding its content, please contact us by e-mail at: info@salzkammergut.at.


5. Enforcement procedure

If the information we have provided with respect to disproportionate burden does not appear satisfactory, the following enforcement body can be contacted:

Office of the Provincial Government of Upper Austria
Upper Austria Anti-Discrimination Office / Upper Austria Monitoring Committee
Bahnhofsplatz 1, 4021 Linz, Austria
E-Mail: as.post@ooe.gv.at
Tel.: +43 732 77 20-117 68